The purpose of Stakeholder Mapping in Business Architecture.
Business architecture needs to be able to represent the business's most important stakeholders. This domain is made up of common business objects like customer, employee, agent, or partner. A company's success depends on how it interacts with these stakeholders, whether as a provider of value or a receiver of it.
In the business architecture knowledgebase, we design stakeholder mapping relations as demonstrated in this image.
In this curated blog post we share 3 examples about stakeholders: how to deliver value; about stakeholder mapping; and how to map stakeholders.
How do we deliver stakeholder value?
Here is a great video on the value of stakeholder interviews.
Interviews with stakeholders were an important part of our work with National Instruments. We collaborated with them to re-imagine their product taxonomy and brand positioning, which will allow them to optimise their current product offering while also positioning them for future line expansion and business growth. Those interviews provide information that independent research cannot provide, such as how engineers and marketers within the company understand positioning. They enrich our understanding of market challenges and opportunities. This, in turn, informs the solution to business challenges.
Learn more at
About Stakeholder Mapping
Stakeholder maps provide four different types of value.
- Zoom In and Focus: You could use the tool to evaluate your competitors from your customer’s perspective. Or you could illustrate who the external stakeholders are that influence your business.
- Zoom Out Depending on how you use them, stakeholder maps can also help you to zoom out and see who might need to include, or what opportunities or risks you might have overlooked.
- Designing Resilient Systems, products or services With a stakeholder map you can easily identify relationships or partnerships that could be formed so that your organization leverages several parts of a system and does not rely just on one.
- Communicate Lastly, it can help you communicate to your team and other stakeholders complex information, problems or systems.How to create stakeholder mapping
About the basics of stakeholder mapping: what it is, what value it provides and how it can be used in an organization.
More useful resources
- Free journey mapping toolkit |
- Tool used on the video | (14 days free)
- More learning resources on stakeholder maps |
- Video credits | Illustrations from
About stakeholder mapping and what the essential steps are for creating and managing a stakeholder map. This video quickly explains what stakeholders to include in a map and how to illustrate and analyze a stakeholder map. Essential steps for creating a map:
- The focus of your project
- Create a list of stakeholders
- Prioritize the stakeholders
- Illustrating the stakeholder on a map
- Sketching the value exchange between stakeholders
- Analyzing the stakeholder map
- Saving and editing maps
More useful resources
- Free journey mapping toolkit |
- Tool used on the video | (14 days free)
- More learning resources on stakeholder mapping |
- Video credits | Illustrations from
Business architecture needs to be able to represent the business's most important stakeholders. A company's success depends on how it interacts with these stakeholders, whether as a provider of value or receiver of it. In this section we share 3 examples about stakeholder mapping and how to map them.
Happy learning everyone
- Smaply
- Snaply
Centerline Digital. (2013, September 27). Value of Stakeholder Interviews - UX Design at Centerline Digital. Retrieved from Centerline Digital:
Business Architecture Guild. (2022). A Guide to the Business Architecture Body of Knowledge® (BIZBOK® Guide).Retrieved from Business Architecture Guild:
Agora Insights Ltd. (2022). Business Architecture Pathway Programme. Retrieved from Agora Insights:
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